The long-looked-for barque Lombardian arrived from England last night, after a passage of 106 days from Portsmouth. She brings one passenger, Mr. Lund, and a large general cargo, including three hundred tons of iron, which has no doubt contributed to lengthen her passage. The Lombardian is a fine iron barque, in build very similar to the Emily Chaplin, which was constructed in the same yard and by the same builders, Messrs Austen and Co., of Sunderland. She is under charter to the New Zealand Shipping Co. Captain Chapman reports leaving London on the 23rd January last, and being towed to the Downs. Bore away and set sail from there, but when off the Isle of Wight a S.E. gale arose, in which the ship behaved very badly. Owing to defective stowage, she refused to ride to the seas at all, but stood as stiff as a rock, receiving each one right over her, and at times making fearful rolls. Finding it impossible to go to sea in this condition, the captain squared away for Portsmouth, where repairs were effected, and a portion of the cargo re-stowed; though not enough of it to satisfy the captain or the crew, many of whom deserted rather than go to sea in her. Fortunately she has enjoyed an exceptionally fine passage; as it was, the masts had to be secured by means of hawsers. The Lombardian made the harbour and dropped anchor in the stream at 8 p.m. yesterday.
Evening Star, Auckland 30 June, 1877
Image: Example of a barque sailing ship
Lombardian in the Miramar Ship Index