According to HM's obituary 'He visited Auckland and Wellington before coming to Christchurch; and although he found this city the most congenial, he was forced to leave on account of severe attacks of rheumatism, and settled in Invercargill. After a time, however, he returned to Christchurch and began the teaching of piano and singing, which he continued to within a year of his death.' (1)
Photo: HM's daughter Kitty - unknown location and date.
Nearly 70 years after his appointment, HM's granddaughter, visiting her grandmother in Christchurch, when she was nine years old (1949), remembers 'porridge in the mornings, deep white frost and getting up early in the morning to play grandfather's organ in the freezing cold (and getting my foot caught in the pedal as it was a pedal organ)'.
(1) The Christchurch Times, Monday 7 March 1932
The Organ and Its Music in German-Jewish Culture: Oxford University Press (abstract)