From Ulm, Württemberg, Germany to Christchurch, New Zealand. First visit? Start at the bottom or here:

Lectures 1885

A Progressive System of Tuition, Chief Faults in Piano Playing, Touch, Impending Discoveries.
MR. LUND'S LECTURE(2) - In his lecture last night Mr Lund gave the outlines of a rational system of tuition of pianoforte pupils, and spoke at length on the traning of the ear, practice and fingering, the treatment of the pedal, &c. He enumerated the most common defects of execution, and detailed the numerous varieties of touch, supplementing his remarks with illustrations on the pianoforte.

(1) St. Michael's Schoolroom, Monday, Nov. 23 at 8pm. Tickets 2s each. Lecture, at Messrs Whitcombe and Tombs', and Messrs Simpson and Williams. . From: Lyttelton Times, Monday 23 November 1885
(2) Lyttelton Times, Tuesday 24 November 1885

About Me

Researching the family history of Hermann Maier b. 1847 Ulm