A Progressive System of Tuition, Chief Faults in Piano Playing, Touch, Impending Discoveries.
A Progressive System of Tuition, Chief Faults in Piano Playing, Touch, Impending Discoveries.
MR. LUND'S LECTURE(2) - In his lecture last night Mr Lund gave the outlines of a rational system of tuition of pianoforte pupils, and spoke at length on the traning of the ear, practice and fingering, the treatment of the pedal, &c. He enumerated the most common defects of execution, and detailed the numerous varieties of touch, supplementing his remarks with illustrations on the pianoforte.---
(1) St. Michael's Schoolroom, Monday, Nov. 23 at 8pm. Tickets 2s each. Lecture, at Messrs Whitcombe and Tombs', and Messrs Simpson and Williams. . From: Lyttelton Times, Monday 23 November 1885
(2) Lyttelton Times, Tuesday 24 November 1885